How I Saw The World

Growing up surrounded by peculiarity

5 min readMay 24, 2024
Photo by Callum Skelton on Unsplash

In a life full of uncertainties, we are affected by our surroundings, may it be either full of optimism or pessimism. Our mind is fed with whatever our culture teaches us. Our heart is filled with whatever actions the people around show us. However, how much impact does a parent can bring to a child?

I grew up in a polygamous family wherein my father has four wives, in which I am the eldest among seven siblings of a second family. It is complicated and I got to be a part of it, which affected how I dealt with life while growing up. All my decisions were based with what I thought was normal, with what my mind told me, and with what my feelings taught me.

  1. The competition and comparison

We were moulded to be academically inclined and competitive since my father’s side is considered to be a family of achievers. It is accustomed for the family members to graduate college and work as a professional; to become educated and use it as a tool to gain a spot in a powerful society in our region.

Sharing the same surname as these people, I grew up being compared with my half siblings and other family members, who excel in something.

To be filled with this mindset, I was a child full of insecurities because I was always competing with…

